Information provided concerning Nutritional Supplements and diet is for your information only. It is not intended to cure, diagnose, treat or mitigate disease. This information is provided as a service to enhance and promote a healthy lifestyle. It is advised that you maintain a relationship with your personal physician. If you are under the care of a physician and are taking prescription medications, it is important you discuss the possibility of interactions with Peter V. Moreo, Jr., C.D.N., R.Ph. and your Physician. The client takes full risk and responsibility when taking any supplement and diet.
If you wish to discontinue any prescription medication you must discuss this with the health professional who prescribed it. By signing or clicking on the box below this disclaimer gives me, (Peter V. Moreo, Jr., C.D.N., R.Ph.) permission to speak to your prescribing medical professional.
You must tell Peter V. Moreo, Jr., C.D.N., R.Ph. if you are pregnant, planning to become pregnant, or are nursing a baby. Some substances are not safe for use at this time. The client takes full responsibility for consequences resulting from the failure to inform Peter V. Moreo, Jr., C.D.N., R.Ph. of a possible pregnancy or any other health condition that may be adversely affected with some supplements.
By clicking on the box below, I understand the limitations of nutritional supplements and diet. I have given complete and true information on all health forms. I will maintain a relationship with my physician.